What can you expect from Thailand Internet: 5 years use has taught me some useful lessons.

Lesson 1. A year is a long time. I signed a normal, ironclad, 12-month service agreement that bound me to my first provider, True, and spent a year regretting it. Service was slow and patchy most days and technical support, when it came at all, brought only baffled technicians. The problem, it turned out, was that True was the first Internet service provider, ISP, in Chiang Mai, where I live.

Lesson 2. Find the newest provider in your area. Of all the things you can do to make your Thailand Internet experience enjoyable and un-stressful, this is by far the most important.

Thailand Internet 5 Years
Thailand Internet 5 Years

Lesson 3. Ookla’s results show average internet speed in Thailand has increased greatly since January 2014, when they were just 12.4 mbps, but peaked in June last year at 21.3 mbps. Thailand’s fastest cities for high-speed internet access were Mukdahan (32.19 mbps), Sattahip (31.3 mbps), and Hua Hin (25.4 mbps).

Lesson 3. Be patient. Have your provider’s contact information–tech support email and phone numbers–and your customer number handy at all times. If you tell them there’s a problem they’re usually very responsive.

Lesson 3. Remember how much money your’e saving! My 30gb (premium) fiberoptic cabe costs me $35/month, with 98% uptime, despite torrential rains and lightning storms. This is Thailand, after all. I can chill out for 2% of the time.

Lesson 4.Don’t believe everything you hear from people like this, who should have read my advice first:

2 Responses

  1. love your articles. But the reference to Scott’s video is pretty irrelevant, wouldn’t you say? Its from 2013. Quite a bit has changed to the infrastructure, specifically the backhaul since then. Right?

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